Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 4 Months BB!!

-He found his feet
-He plays in his crib in the morning, and now we wake up to happy squeals and when we look over the rail, he's smiling up at us, holding his feet
-Everything goes in his mouth
-He can actually get things in his mouth using his hands
-He found his volume dial
-His sleep patterns (his formerly wonderfully predictable sleep patterns) are changing
-He gives kisses! It's true! I noticed on Tuesday that when Justin kissed him, he opened his mouth wider - I began testing it, and now I have proof that he totally gives kisses:

-He remains very long at 27 inches - 97th percentile for length! and 14 lbs 1 oz. - 50% percentile


  1. Big tall boy! SO FUN! LOVE the kisses :) Hannah is so petite - She may finally be about 14 lbs now but she's already almost 5 months! She's only been in several of her 3-6 month outfits for a few weeks :) And she's more like 241/2 or 25 inches I think...they do everything in kilos and centimeters here so it's hard to tell exactly unless I measure her myself

  2. Already 4 months!! Wow! He's such a cutie. I love reading about all the adventures you have with your baby. Thanks for posting! - Han
