Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Incredible Family

I mean, you have to see J in tights and spandex shor-I mean, you have to see Mr. Incredible.  

Here we are, Elastigirl, Dash, Jack-Jack, with our Mr. Incredible, on Halloween.


And, in the 10 minutes we were home, handing out candy to like 20 trick-or-treaters! I think our neighborhood might become one of those people-drive-in-to-trick-or-treat-here neighborhoods eventually.

And our Jack-O-Lanterns lit up on our porch - mine is on the left, and J's is on the right. J was amazed I just dove in and did mine "freehand", looking at a picture online for reference.

J's awesome Franken-pumpkin

More on these pumpkins soon...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Cutest family costume idea EVER! ;D

