Between traveling, visitors, and houseguests, we got a lot of summer lovin' this year, and now we're ready to share the love...
Lovin' that J had a conference in Chi-town that BB and I could tag along on so we could meet the newest member of Team K, Baby Boy J.

Team K lovin' the iconic bean

Lovin' morning mist in the Windy City

Lovin' eggsploring at the Farm at the Lincoln Park Zoo

Lovin' a great group shot at the Farm at the Zoo
Lovin' a great group shot at the Farm at the Zoo
Lovin' three bugs in a tub
Lovin' Long-Lost Friends
Okay, maybe not lost, but definitely a long way out of town. Lovin' that our dear friends S+H enjoyed so much of their summer break in Tucson, which meant J and I were reunited with some of our favorite people.
Okay, maybe not lost, but definitely a long way out of town. Lovin' that our dear friends S+H enjoyed so much of their summer break in Tucson, which meant J and I were reunited with some of our favorite people.
Lovin' our Lebanese in July
Lovin' that we finally got to meet Lil H, who is just a few weeks older than BB. And lovin' watching these together in the backyard, even though BB doesn't quite understand the concept of waiting his turn for the slide.
BB using his physical prowess to manhandle his way past Lil H
Lovin' a Doctor's Visit in August
Lovin' that Dr. A came from Phoenix to celebrate my birthday!
Lovin' Havasupai Falls
Lovin' that J got to go on a boy's trip to hike down into the Grand Canyon with our friend Andy, visiting from New York (who also came to Tucson for a visit!), BB's Uncle M, and some other college friends.
Lovin' that J got to go on a boy's trip to hike down into the Grand Canyon with our friend Andy, visiting from New York (who also came to Tucson for a visit!), BB's Uncle M, and some other college friends.

Lovin' the Lake in August
Lovin' that BB visited GG's house for the first time and stayed in a crib in his very own room, carefully decorated and filled with toys by GG just for him.

Lovin' taking a ride across the lake on the Dreamcatcher, the boat where GG works as a captain and Uncle Kyle works as a deckhand.
Finally Lovin' the Baby Bump
Finally Lovin' the Baby Bump
Lovin' that just a few days ago I finally got my hands on this beloved baby bump, visiting from Colorado Springs.