Welcome to the One (Hundredth Post) Celebration!
I can't believe this post is my 100th post. One hundred published entries of my journey as a mama and BB's life milestones are posted here. As a reward for following along on all 100 blog posts (I mean, you've all read every post, right?... :) ), here are the details about BB's 1st Birthday Party!

Remember when I said I was going to turn this:
into the best first birthday party BB's ever had? Well, here's what J and I came up with.
We had settled on a Dr. Seuss theme for the party, and I had a vision for the invitation right off the bat. We took a trip to our local used bookstore to scour some Dr. Seuss tales for even more inspiration. Together huddling over a kiddie table at Bookman's J and I wrote a rhyme for the invite, and then we went to Michael's and found the exact paper and color combo I had in mind. I was thrilled (I may or may not have said that this was a sign of divine approval of our Dr. Seuss theme) and we actually got to put the invitations together that night.
On his birthday day Barking Baby turns ONE!
We will celebrate! It will be funner than fun!
So join the Whos, the Lorax, the Zelf on the shelf,
The Cat in the Hat, and of course Yourself!Together for cupcakes, a song, and some play
To celebrate BB's first Day of all Days!(Dr. Seuss actually has a Happy Birthday To You book, which refers to birthdays as the Day of all Days, so we definitely had to include that.)

Green eggs and ham, red fish blue fish crackers, Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes, and BB's very own Cat in the Hat's Hat cake

Homemade Happy Birthday and Welcome To Seussville banners, Cat in the Hat striped tablecloths, bowls of red fish blue fish crackers, green plastic eggs, and Dr. Seuss books for all to enjoy

The gift table with BB's going-home-from-the-hospital outfit, pregnancy journal, baby book, along with Dr. Seuss' Happy Birthday To You book, and a display of a photo of BB with the Lorax at a book reading

I made BB a Thing 1 shirt to celebrate him being 1 year old! And since J's birthday was just two days before, he got a Thing 31 shirt as a surprise birthday present.

Fall Into the Balls - BB had his own ballpit to play in!

The Part with Art - fingerpainting!
Splishy with the Fishies - swimming!
BB's first birthday cake was three layers of homemade sweetness - one layer of chocolate cake (using a recipe from Deceptively Delicious with avocado) sandwiched by two layers of banana cake. We used store-bought frosting to ice the cake (we already had it on hand for the cupcakes).

BB started by tasting the frosting - he slowly kept scooping more frosting on his finger and licking it methodically. Finally, Mama helped him dig out a chunk of cake to taste.

Here we are the night before the party, baking and frosting away!
guestsBB had many birthday guests - here are just a few!
BB's Aunties and Uncle, Great-Grandma, cousins, GG, and Great-Uncle were just some of our fun party guests! BB even had his very own party crasher - that's right, our party was that good.
BB's gift table was pouring over with fun!

This slide was a birthday gift from GG - BB daily sees the slide through the sliding glass door and throws himself at it. He LOVES his slide.
BB's other favorite gifts include a drum and instrument set and a toy cell phone.
Well, those are all the party details!
Thanks for journeying into Seussville with us to celebrate BB's First Birthday!
Here's to another great year and 100 more blog posts!